Dr. Emre Çörtük

Dr. Emre Çörtük

Dr. Emre Çörtük

Dentist - Dental Diseases and Treatment

Continuing his professional life successfully at Sanita, Dr. Emre Çörtük participates in many academic activities.

Some of the academic congresses, courses and seminars he attended are as follows:

- Davut Çapar Endodontics Module 1 Course
Davut Çapar Endodontics Module 2 Course
Davut Çapar Endodontics Module 3 Course
Hakan Çolak Posterior Direct and Indirect Restorations Course
Esra Bozbay Botox and Dermal Filling Course
Dentsem Tomography Course
Umut Aslan Porcelain Laminates Course

Areas of expertise
Restorative and Prosthetic Treatments

Marmara University Faculty of Dentistry 2016-2022

Foreign Language

Dr. Emre Çörtük

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